Moneyline, Cube Digital Media and Neodigital change their name
and become Iagona

In November 2018, Moneyline and Cube Digital Media joined forces to accelerate a strategy of market, product and service diversification, and to offer a comprehensive range of hardware and software solutions for the digitalisation of customer relations and the customer journey.

As a software publisher, notably with the Neoscreen 5.0 suite, Cube Digital Media, based in Nancy (in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle), offers the most advanced solution on the digital signage market. This expertise, combined with the hardware and software expertise, quality and design of Moneyline’s solutions, has made this new organisation a technological and commercial leader in the digital sector.

On 12 December 2019, our three companies officially adopted the name Iagona.

To streamline strategy, communication and commercial relations, all companies and subsidiaries will have the same name, Iagona. This is a logical and crucial step towards achieving a shared ambition: to become a single point of contact capable of meeting all the requirements of digitalisation and improving the user experience.

“For over a year, we have been transforming and improving our group to unite teams around a common project and values. The two approaches clearly complement each other and this is apparent each day. In 2019 we set about implementing common management tools and a single strategy. The adoption of a single name is the result of this marrying together of skills, but above all the alliance of men and women behind the same business project. It also simplifies our sales pitch and makes the structure clearer for our clients,” says Pascal Hermandesse, CEO of Iagona.

To write this new chapter in the company’s history, it will continue to build on its fundamentals and its caring philosophy, placing employees at the heart of a common ambition embodied by the slogan “We make digital helpful”.

The company will continue to strengthen the synergy between its different areas of expertise, so that it can develop and propose new offers, in particular comprehensive solutions (terminals and digital signage). In order to improve our operational responsiveness, our nationwide sales force can offer the full range of Iagona solutions. Our development and customer service teams can work on the biggest digital transformation projects.

About Iagona

Iagona is a French company with over 30 years of expertise in digitalisation, ensuring its customers achieve their ambitions, transformation and success in the digital age. A recognised expert in the banking, retail, administrative and health sectors, Iagona is a trusted partner which is capable of managing projects in their entirety.

Iagona offers banking ATMs, digital payment terminals, reception desks and digital signage solutions.

Iagona is also a software publisher which installs and maintains its solutions and provides hotline support.
With over 65 employees spread over our two main sites in France, Iagona will achieve a turnover of more than 20 million euros in 2020.

Press contact :
Emmanuelle Falco – Marketing & Communication Director